Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Personal Testimony of Video Game Benefits

Pain Killers
     As I continue to do more research about the benefits of video games, I discover more and more benefits.  Most of these benefits, though, focus on the overall and general positive aspects of video games and the things they can bring to people as a whole.  In my research, I have finally come to find some very personal testimonies about the positive benefits of video games.  Kyle, a college student, used video games to help him overcome his painkiller addiction.  When Kyle was in his late teenage years, he began smoking marijuana on a regular basis, which he believes eventually led to the start of his painkiller addiction.  Once he reached college, he began trying much harder and more dangerous drugs.  After trying LSD, he believed he could try anything and admits to trying every drug but meth and crack.  Although he used many drugs, painkillers were his favorite, giving him the best high and leaving him wanting more.  His painkiller of choice was Oxycodone and he used it regularly.  Eventually, he built up a tolerance and would consistently need more and more of the drug to feel the same blissful high he enjoyed so much.  Then, in order to finance his own drug addiction, he began selling drugs to make the hundreds of dollars a day he needed to buy the painkillers.  If he couldn't find painkillers, he would use a somewhat cheaper alternative: heroin.
After a while, he was even arrested and expelled from school.  Fortunately, his friends convinced him to enter a treatment program and after one relapse, he found a better treatment and has been clean for months.  His counselors encouraged him to find a hobby or another activity to take up his time, so he is less likely to go back to drugs.  For Kyle, he doesn't have a specific game he enjoys more than others, but he plays several different ones.  He truly believes that if he didn't spend some of his free time playing video games, like Minecraft and Borderlands, that he would have fallen back into the scary, dark path of drugs.
     Even though this is just one story about video games helping a young person overcome a serious drug addiction, I believe that video games can help people to find a somewhat more productive thing to do with their free time.  However, video games are not for everyone so other activities can work too.  Also, some video games actually encourage and show drug use, so the type of video games being played needs to be considered.  After working in a pharmacy for over a year, I see drug addicts and sellers often.  Drugs are such a big problem in this country and are winning the war on drugs.  If more treatment programs allowed patients to find other outlets, like video games, to participate in, they may have more fun and be likely to stay in those treatments.  In addition, patients will have an activity to fill their time so they are less likely to return to drugs.  This is just one testimony of the positive effects of video games; however, I believe there are many more out there and using video games in treatment facilities may be helpful.
Video Games to help with therapy

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Video Games and Physical Therapy

     As more and more research is done to determine positive benefits of video games, more and more ideas are being introduced, and some even have merit!  Some therapists are actually using video games in physical therapy and are actually showing promising results.  One physiotherapist, Belinda Lange, is leading a group to develop specific games for those undergoing therapy for strokes and other serious injuries.  The first idea these researchers tried was adapting already developed physical games.  However, researchers discovered quickly that this would not quite satisfy the needs of those undergoing therapy.  First, the games didn't give researcher enough data and they didn't always accommodate those with serious injuries who couldn't jump or 
move too freely.  Thus, the researchers began developing games centered around already developed technologies, like the Nintendo Wii.  For example, one game developed allowed researchers to reach out to grab gems, daisies, books, and other various items.  The object of the games is to pinpoint exact movements and therapies the specific patient needs.  In addition, researchers can monitor the games to determine the amount of improvement that has taken place over the course of time.  This is an excellent idea because so many people, even older people, are playing and enjoying video games already.  Combine them with the activities that therapy patients have to do anyway, and patients may actually enjoy them more and progress can be easily tracked.  This type of therapy is still in the testing phase, but hopefully after more research, the benefits will be revealed and more and more clinics will be open to using it. 

Frame Usage in Essex County Book Two and Persepolis

A more typical page from Essex County
Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi and Essex County, specifically Book Two: Ghost Stories, by Jeff Lemire are two popular graphic novels that use similar and different frame techniques to help tell their stories.  To begin the overall feel of Persepolis is very congruent and predictable.  All of the frames feel as if they are from the same story and flow very well together, which makes reading it very easy.  Most frames are about the same size, although at times, just one or two frames utilize the entire page.  Essex County, on the other hand, has frames that are somewhat unpredictable.  However, the frames still flow very well and feel like it is one story.  It is a little bit more interesting to read, though, because the frames are more intriguing and mixed up more.  Also, more is said with pictures and there is just less dialogue, while Persepolis focuses more on text (the pictures say a lot too, though).
A more typical page from Persepolis
     One difference in frames between the two graphic novels is the size.  It appears that on average, Essex County Book Two has about 4 frames on each page while Persepolis has about 6 or 7 on each page.  In addition to the size, Persepolis uses much more squared and typical looking frames.  They appear to be more symmetrical and even with one another.  On the other hand, Essex County uses much more unusual frames.  Many frames are in the shape of rectangles rather than squares.  In fact, some pages do not even have any frames!  In other pages, some pictures actually go out of the frame and are used as a background for the rest of the page.  Also, most pages do no feel symmetrical.  On average, the frames in Essex County are bigger than the frames in Persepolis.  In addition, Essex County utilizes the space in the frames very differently from Persepolis.  Many of Essex County's frames only have one person in the frame while Persepolis has 2 or more people in many of the frames.  Overall, their appears to be much more going on in the frames of Persepolis, while ideas and concepts are spread out more in Essex County.
A page without a frame in Essex County

A picture out of the frame in Essex County

A one page frame in Essex County
A one page frame in Persepolis
Although there are many differences between the frame usage in Persepolis and Essex County Book Two, there are also some similarities too.  One similarity between the two graphic novels is the use of full page frames.  However, Essex County uses this technique much more than Persepolis.  Another similarity is that the pictures in the frames are drawn in black and white.  This is an interesting technique and allows the reader to better associate themselves with a drawn picture.  Overall, these two graphic novels use similar and different techniques to display their stories.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Middle Impressions of My Internship

Social Media
     As I continue to work more and more at my internship, I am learning many new and useful things.  So far, I have done basic office tasks, such as inputting data into an excel spreadsheet to find averages.  In addition, I have been able to do other things that are more related to public relations, such as pitching and working with social media.  So far, my favorite thing that I have accomplished is the work I have done with social media.  I have learned how to schedule Facebook updates through Facebook and Hoot Suite.  Spending a few hours one day to create several weeks worth of updates can be useful.  Those updates can be scheduled so every day someone does not have to physically update the page.  Also, I have created a LinkedIn account and am learning the usefulness of the site.   I feel that being active on that site now may help me to find employment opportunities in the future.  So far, I have not done as much work with Twitter and would like more opportunities to learn more about that site as well.  Overall, I am learning the importance of social media in this technological based society and am gaining crucial experience to better help me find a job once I do graduate.  I am very pleased with this internship and am looking forward to learning a lot more about public relations and gaining even more important skills to add to my resume.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Are Video Games Improving the Economy?

Popular Game

     Did you know that on average in 2010, SEVEN video or computer games were sold every SECOND of every day and that at least 245 MILLION games were sold in the United States in 2011?  Although the positive and negative effects on video games on specific individuals can vary, it is still a very highly debated topic.  Some tend to focus on the negative effects of violent video games, like antisocial behavior, while others see video games in a more positive light, focusing on the social interaction, stress release, and even learning that can be obtained from playing certain games.  Although both sides of this argument seem to have solid evidence for their perspective points, the effects of video games on an individual seems to stem from the amount of time spent playing the games and the types of games that are being played.  Instead of focusing on the specific effects of video games on individuals,  let's try to see a more general positive effect of the gaming industry:  the benefits it brings to the economy and society as a whole.  Although it has been said often that the first things that people give up during financially hard times is different forms of entertainment, including video games, the video game industry is still thriving and growing in this less than perfect economy.
A Negative Relationship
     According to one article, the video game industry will continue to grow at least five percent through 2015!  In 2011, computer and video game companies estimated a revenue of 25 billion dollars.  The benefit of this is the many jobs these companies provide at state and local levels across the whole nation.  The president and CEO of the Venan Entertainment, Inc. contributes the success of the video game industry to the older people who have always played video games and to the younger people who are just starting to play.  Also, new technologies and gaming systems, such as the Wii, may even spark the interest of previous non-players too.  Additionally, the game consoles can elicit more money when players buy ad ons, apps, and internet subscriptions to play online.  Once the consoles have been purchased, players can use them for other things as well, such as connecting to Netflix to watch movies.  Overall, because video games remain so popular, even in a time a recession, the industry is boosting the economy by thriving and adding to the country's GDP and by providing at least 120, 000 jobs across the nation.  Specific states that have the highest video game popularity, like California and Texas, are also benefiting from the industry.  2.1 billion dollars was added to the California economy over a four year period and 490 million dollars was added to the Texas economy.  Some other states, like Pennsylvania and Georgia, that are not key players in the video game industry are trying to entice the industry with tax law incentives to boost their economies.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Video Games and Learning

     Video games can serve many different purposes for different people.  Some people consider them an essential part of life and play every day, while others play occasionally and consider them to be just a pastime or hobby.  It is important to note, though, that video games serve a variety purposes for different individuals.  Playing very violent video games too often can lead to serious problems, including antisocial behavior and more serious problems as well.  Playing more positive and less violent games can have many beneficial effects, too.  For instance, those types of games can actually promote social behaviors and can relieve stress.  But, why not go one step further and reap even more benefits from games?  Playing the right types of video games can actually produce learning. 
Kids learning while play games
     According to one article by Tina Barseghian, new research supports the fact that learning can be accomplished through experiences.  Although this is a rather new way of thinking of learning, it is incredibly important.  Thus, the video game experience can actually produce learning.  To begin, video games can feed the learning process.  The experiences that encourage the most learning have clear goals, motivation, feedback, and other things.  Fortunately, video games hold all of these criteria.  For instance, most games make players follow certain guidelines and rules to reach the objectives.  Also, the social aspect of games allows players to interact and remember the things they have learned easier.  In addition, video games can build on previous experiences, which is an extremely important part of the learning process.
    Furthermore, video games motivate learning, promote risk-taking, and teach problem solving.  Motivation is a key component in learning.  If no motivation exists, little to no learning will take place.  Also, games promote risk-taking because players have to try different things to figure out the best way to achieve goals.  The cost of failure is much less in video games than in real life.  Thus, players are more likely to take risks.  Finally, players vague objective in all games is to solve problems.  Research supports the fact that problem solving is an excellent way to learn.  Overall, video games promote learning in many different ways.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Research on Positive Influences of Video Games

World of Warcraft
     With all this talk about video games and their effects, it is important to have real evidence to back up any claims.  In the past, most of the research has focused on the negative effects of video games.  However, newer research is devoting more attention to potential positive effects of video games.  Two studies completed by Colorado State University tried to determine some of those positive effects.  Both of these studies examined the popular online game "World of Warcraft".  This game is based on cooperating with other players to complete tasks and almost find an alternate reality.  This game gives players the possibility to interact with thousands of others.  The first research project involved observing individuals playing the interactive game.  In addition, players were surveyed about the experience and their habits.  Questions such as the level of involvement and absorption into the game and the level of stress relief from the game were included in the survey.  Participants reported feeling an escape and relief from their everyday stresses.  It is important to note that this escape most be short and temporary to be positive though.
World of Warcraft
     The second study focused more on the online aspect of this game.  Although playing with offline friends is generally considered to be healthier because others can help bring another player back to reality.  However, when playing with offline friends, it is harder to become completely immersed into the game.  Overall, playing with online friends allows a player to experience a more absorbed experience and can relieve more stress, but has a better chance of being addicted or too caught up into the game.  More and more research is supporting the fact that video games can have positive effects on players.  Although, the negative effects are apparent too, but as long as the right amount of balanced is displayed, video games can have serious positive effects such as stress relief.     

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Characters of Vladek in Maus and Lester in Essex County

An example of a flashback in Maus
     Maus by Art Spiegelman is a popular graphic novel about a father, Vladek, who describes his tragic journey through the Holocaust to his son, Artie, who is eager to learn more about his tribulations.  Vladek's character, which is very complex and has many sides, is described in a very interesting way throughout the novel.  The majority of the novel is composed of conversations, sometimes between Vladek and his son and other times between Vladek and his wife, parents, friends, or fellow Jews trying to survive the Holocaust.  The conversations essentially give the reader an incredible insight into Vladek's character.  Along with the conversations, flashbacks are used quite frequently to show and reveal more of Vladek's character.  Experiencing the Holocaust and fighting in the war was a very trying and difficult time for Vladek and his character is tried and tried again.  Although Vladek's character may seem to be harsh and rigid during the present scenes, his true character is revealed during the flashback scenes, which is one of strength, love, intelligence, and passion.  The flashbacks also give an idea of why Vladek may be the person he is in the present.  Surviving the Holocaust tells a lot about his character, but his specific experiences revealed through the dialogue is telling as well.  He yearned to see his family again and came up with schemes to survive, such as hiding and posing as another person.  Overall, Vladek's character is revealed mainly through dialogue and the story that he tells his son, but also through present with other characters and past scenes and conversations.
An example of pictures in Essex County
     Essex County by Jeff Lemire is another popular graphic novel about a young boy, Lester, who is forced to live with his uncle after losing both of his parents, one to death and the other to abandonment.  Throughout the novel, Lester's character is revealed much through dialogue as well.  Although he does not say much to his uncle, which is revealing in itself, Lester seems to find it really easy to open up to another character, Jimmy.  Jimmy currently works as a gas station attendant after a brief career as a professional hockey player.  Lester seems to become so close to Jimmy so fast because he is somewhat simple and tends to be more on Lester's level than other characters like his uncle.  Additionally, flashbacks are used to help explain background information, but also reveals some of Lester's character.  However, Maus uses flashbacks to reveal Vladek's character much more than is used to reveal Lester's character in Essex County.  At times, pictures are also heavily relied on to reveal Lester's character.  Pictures are important in Maus as well, but they are used to assist the text in telling the story.  Essex County tends to use pictures more to tell parts of the story.  Some pages actually have no dialogue on them whatsoever, but the black and white pictures can be very telling.  For example, the pictures show Lester wearing a cape from the beginning, but is not mentioned by another character until later on in the story.  Right from the start it is obvious that Lester has a vivd imagination.  In conclusion, both graphic novels use pictures, dialogue, and flashbacks to reveal the main characters in the stories; however, each story has its own preferences as to which ones are used the most.