Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Is Your Company LinkedIn Yet? Comm 450
As social media is continuing to expand and grow, the possibilities for it almost seem endless. As a business or company, why not take advantage of social media? It is true that many companies are currently using Facebook and Twitter to help promote themselves and this can result in some serious benefits (as long as your company is using it appropriately). But the possibilities do not end there! A somewhat less popular and newer social media website has been developed, which is arguably more business-oriented than any other out there. LinkedIn is a great way to showcase your business, connect with other professionals, and find new clients or colleagues. Also, a basic profile is completely free and, depending on the level of seriousness or the number of benefits its provides, you can upgrade your profile to one of two levels with fees each month to get even more out of the site. Currently, according to, 135 million people in over 200 countries are using LinkedIn and people are signing up to use the site at about 2 people per second! As the world is changing and more and more people are using social media, recent statistics show that one in every six employees used social media to find their most recent job, which is over 22 million people using social media to find jobs. Overall, LinkedIn allows a company or business to discover a person's work history and to be able to find other professionals in the same field.
Monday, September 24, 2012
The Positive Effects of Video Games on Older People
Getting old is something many people dread and something that some people even fear. However no one can stay young forever. Over the course of time, your body goes through physical changes, like greying hair and wrinkles. With so much emphasis put on looking young, science and technology has made leaps and bounds in preventing, stopping, or at least altering those changes.
When your hair greys, it can be dyed. Also, wrinkles, sagging skin, and other signs of aging can be fixed with a little plastic surgery and a lot of money. As nice, or detrimental depending on specific opinions, as these advances are to society, is there a way to stop, slow down, or even prevent mental aging?
Well, science and technology have not only come quite a way in keeping people looking young, but they have also made advances in keeping people thinking young too, although there is a long way to go. Some of the worst diseases that affect someone's cognitive condition, like Alzheimer's, don't have a cure yet. So, since aging mentally is inevitable anyway and people are living longer than ever, some argue that playing different types of video games can actually be beneficial to an older person's mental state. One article published in Time by Anna Hamilton argues for the benefits. Although there is no cure or magic vaccination for memory loss yet, evidence suggests that games can at least slow the effects. Along with eating healthy and exercising, being socially active and challenging yourself mentally are two great ways to slow down mental decline.
Today's games are increasingly a social event. New technologies allow players to meet, socialize, and play with others all over the world. And even if you aren't into the Internet and playing online, many games allow for multiple players and most game systems have multiple controller outlets. Additionally, video games are such a huge part of youth culture that even if an elderly person cannot find another to play with, children and grandchildren may be happy to oblige! Furthermore, new game systems like the Wii and the Playstation Move actually encourage physical activity. So, if exercise does really help slow down mental decline, then playing those types of games will challenge you mentally and give you exercise. Video games come in all types of difficulty and some are much more fast paced than others. But, they all have one thing in common: they are mentally challenging. Some elderly individuals may have never played video games before and may be intimidated or overwhelmed by the technology. However, giving it a try and reaping the benefits may prove to be very successful in the long run.
Physical aging |
Well, science and technology have not only come quite a way in keeping people looking young, but they have also made advances in keeping people thinking young too, although there is a long way to go. Some of the worst diseases that affect someone's cognitive condition, like Alzheimer's, don't have a cure yet. So, since aging mentally is inevitable anyway and people are living longer than ever, some argue that playing different types of video games can actually be beneficial to an older person's mental state. One article published in Time by Anna Hamilton argues for the benefits. Although there is no cure or magic vaccination for memory loss yet, evidence suggests that games can at least slow the effects. Along with eating healthy and exercising, being socially active and challenging yourself mentally are two great ways to slow down mental decline.
Playing interactive games |
Pitching Impressions
A Phone |
Friday, September 21, 2012
The Positive Effects of Video Games on Young Adults
Young adults playing games |
- Help to keep young adults entertained. Overall, video games are just fun to play and is one way to spend leisure or free time.
- Helps to improve hand-eye coordination. Hand-eye coordination is not only a great skill to have for playing sports like baseball or basketball, but also for a lot of everyday activities like driving a bicycle or car.
- Helps to improve eye-sight. Certain fast paced games show some evidence for positive effects on player's eye-sight.
- Helps to promote exercise and allows players to exercise. Many game systems currently have interactive add ons to the system which allow players to move around and physically do actions that are recorded on the screen. For example, the Wii has tennis, baseball, bowling, and many other sports that the player actually swings to hit a ball or other actions which simulate real actions. Additionally, some systems offer dance or exercise games where the player tries to imitate someone on the screen and gets scored accordingly.
- Helps to promote self-esteem. Since video games are really a part of young adult culture, being successful at games can actually help players feel a sense of fitting in and appreciated.
- Help to provide brain stimulation and players will develop better problem solving skills. Educational games are a fun way to learn but most games require some mental capacity and problems will certainly arise.
- Help to promote communication with others in the room and new technologies allow gamers to connect with players all over the world!
A violent game |
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Positive Video Game Effects in Children
Photo by: sean dreilinger |
- Help to develop multi-tasking, quick thinking, hand-eye coordination, and resource management. Not only do children have to control characters, but they are also responsible for making on the spot decisions to reach a goal. Many sports games, like the famous Tony Hawk series, allow children to use control to do specific tricks.
- Help to establish memory, math, logic, and, reading skills. Reading tasks and solving problems using logic is present in a lot of games. Games like Tetris, Words With Friends, and Sudoku are great ways to use brain activities.
- Help to give encouragement to players and teaches perseverance and determination to achieve certain goals. Most games have some sort of ultimate goal that players work towards. For instance, in the Mario Party games, players work to win the most stars.
- Help to encourage communication and teamwork skills. Video games are interactive and many allow for multiple players that are either in the same room or across the county, state, country, and even world! At times players are competing against each other, but many games have teams. Video games are also great for family and friend bonding. For example, a game like NBA Jam allows players to have computer teammates or real teammates. Regardless, one player has to appropriately work and cooperate with the other to win the game.
- Help to relieve aggression rather than exemplify and promote it. Video games can serve as a great way to allow children to relieve their aggression in a safe and structured environment. Fighting games like Super Mario Smash Bros, which tend to be controversial and may not be right for all children, can help to relieve aggression. Especially games that do not use guns and excessive violence.
- Help to introduce children to new technologies. As new technological advances are developed, video games are a great way for children to learn how new technologies work. Things like the Playstation Move and Xbox Kinect are some of the newest technology that games have released. If 3D games have not already been released, they will probably be next!
Video games aren't perfect and are not right for all children. However, if the right type of games are selected, these games can actually have many positive effects on children.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Transitions Used in "Maus"
The book "Understanding Comics" by Scott McCloud examines the six different panel-to-panel transitions used in graphic novels. The first transition is called moment-to-moment and requires little closure, which refers to understanding the whole picture by just observing parts of it. When using this type of transition, frames literally transition from one moment to the next. The next type of transition is referred to as action-to-action and features one subject who is completing some action, such as a car driving in one panel and the next panel the car has crashed into a tree. Another type of transition is called subject-to-subject and refers to panels that remain in the same theme but move from different subjects. Scene-to-scene is also a type of transition that refers to panels that travel across different settings or time. A fifth transition is called aspect-to-aspect and shows different aspects of a setting. Finally, non-sequitur transitions have no logical relationship. (McCloud, 70-72)
"Maus" by Art Spiegelman is a popular graphic novel which uses some of these transitions explained by McCloud. One example of a transition used in this graphic novel is scene-to-scene. At one point in the story, the father is complaining to his son about the dinner they just ate. In response, the son tells his father that he just wants to here more about his past, specifically when he was drafted in 1939. After this scene, the next panel takes the reader right on the battlefield in 1939. After one more panel, the son interjects to ask his father a question about his army training and the scene returns back to the present day. Eventually, though, the scene is transformed back to the past. (Spiegelman, 44-46)
Another example of a transition used in "Maus" is moment-to-moment. In the story, the son and his wife are in bed when the phone rings. From that point the panels show the son reach over to the phone, answer the phone, talk to into the phone with his father's dialogue coming out of the phone, hanging up the phone, and then speaking to his wife and getting out of bed. There is very little movement of characters and closure between panels. Most of the picture is drawn out for the reader. (Spiegelman,
A final type of transition used in "Maus" is action-to-action. At the very beginning of the story, the son is shown as a child roller skating home with his friends. As he is skating, his skate becomes lose and he falls to the ground as friends quickly skate away from him. In this scene, one subject is performing an action in one panel that leads to a consequence in the next panel. (Spiegelman, 5) Overall, the author is effective in using different transitions to tell his story. Although he tends to use many scene-to-scene transitions and moment-to-moment transitions, he mixes it up by using others at times as well.
Photo by: mikefats |
Another example of a transition used in "Maus" is moment-to-moment. In the story, the son and his wife are in bed when the phone rings. From that point the panels show the son reach over to the phone, answer the phone, talk to into the phone with his father's dialogue coming out of the phone, hanging up the phone, and then speaking to his wife and getting out of bed. There is very little movement of characters and closure between panels. Most of the picture is drawn out for the reader. (Spiegelman,
Photo by: Virany |
A final type of transition used in "Maus" is action-to-action. At the very beginning of the story, the son is shown as a child roller skating home with his friends. As he is skating, his skate becomes lose and he falls to the ground as friends quickly skate away from him. In this scene, one subject is performing an action in one panel that leads to a consequence in the next panel. (Spiegelman, 5) Overall, the author is effective in using different transitions to tell his story. Although he tends to use many scene-to-scene transitions and moment-to-moment transitions, he mixes it up by using others at times as well.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Comm 450 Blog 3 First Impressions of Internship
After being in the Platinum PR office for a few weeks now, I must admit that most of my experiences have not exactly matched my original expectations of this internship. However, I am not saying this in a bad way. After spending most of my summer working at my part-time job, I am unfortunately used to the strict, hostile environment I am generally forced to work in. Personally, I tend to be much more open minded and laid back, as long as everyone is working and getting their jobs done. The older I get, the more I realize that some people just do not feel the same way about life as I do and that is okay.
Luckily for me, though, I feel as if I fit in more with the other employees and enjoy my work environment more at Platinum PR. In fact, in just these few weeks I have learned a lot about the business and about public relations in general. I have been exposed to different, effective tools public relation specialists can use and I've learned more about what a public relations business actually does on a day to day basis. I feel fortunate that I have the opportunity to work here and learn. All of the employees have been incredibly helpful and friendly when I have questions and I am truly looking forward to all of the important things I will learn throughout the rest of the semester. As I continue to keep a journal of my experiences across the semester, I feel confident in saying that I will be able to share valuable and positive experiences.
Luckily for me, though, I feel as if I fit in more with the other employees and enjoy my work environment more at Platinum PR. In fact, in just these few weeks I have learned a lot about the business and about public relations in general. I have been exposed to different, effective tools public relation specialists can use and I've learned more about what a public relations business actually does on a day to day basis. I feel fortunate that I have the opportunity to work here and learn. All of the employees have been incredibly helpful and friendly when I have questions and I am truly looking forward to all of the important things I will learn throughout the rest of the semester. As I continue to keep a journal of my experiences across the semester, I feel confident in saying that I will be able to share valuable and positive experiences.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Comm 450 Blog 2 Why Businesses Should Use Social Media
Photo by: birgerking |
- Have direct interaction with customers. The best type of interaction between businesses and customers is genuine. If businesses stay genuine with its customers, customers will likely respond well the business. Most people prefer businesses that take time to listen and reward customers. Social media is a great way to achieve the type of interaction many customer want.
- It is cheaper than other forms of advertising. Signing up for a Facebook, Twitter, and many other forms of social media is free. Combine this with the fact that it is pretty simple to use and quick to set up, it's hard to find a reason not to utilize the tools.
- Has the potential for more customers. Millions of people use the internet daily. According to, the estimated amount of unique visitors each month for Facebook alone is 750,000,000! Unfortunately, not every single one of those visitors will make it to your company's page, but if even a small percentage of people using Facebook see your page, your clientele will expand. And, the great thing about Facebook is that when one person likes your page or comments on your post, all of their friends can see that, opening up so many more opportunities every single time you get a new like. Remember, these statistics and facts are strictly for Facebook. Using other forms of social media will enhance your potential for customers even more.
- Become closer to customers and gain their trust. Studies have already shown that customers are more likely to trust a company using social media. According to an article by Curt Finch, 82% of people surveyed said that they are more likely to trust a company who communicates via social media. Trust not only leads to more sales from individuals, but those individuals are more likely to suggest your business to others as well.
- Receive direct feedback and ideas from customers. Social media allows customers and potential customers to communicate directly with the company. If this type of communication is not ignored, businesses can understand what customers are looking for and the types of things that either want or expect from your company. They can also offer their feelings on what the business is currently doing right and wrong. Therefore, improvements and adjustments can be made.
- Directly explain mission of business to customers. Studies also show that individuals are much more likely to buy from a business that directly explains its mission and values via social media, especially when that business's top officials are involved in social media.
Comm 450 Blog 1 Social Media
Photo by: sitemonkeysupreme |
In the last several years, social media
has truly reinvented business marketing and its successful strategies. It is not impossible to have a successful
business without employing the help of social media, but it just doesn’t make
sense. Granted, some business owners,
especially small business owners, may feel overwhelmed or helpless when it
comes to social media. After all, many
times they cannot afford to outsource the work and may feel inadequate to fill
the position themselves. But, they may just
not understand some simple steps to take to improve their businesses and
marketing strategies.
are some easy ways to help build any business’s social media:
1. Put yourself out there on the web. Developing websites can be difficult and
confusing, so not everyone can do it. Unfortunately,
that may be a job for a specialist but you can always give it a try. YouTube
and Google can give a lot of website
development help. If you are not
prepared to develop a website, though, developing Facebook and Twitter pages are pretty self-explanatory. Use your Smartphone (if you do not have one I
am sure someone you know does) to upload some quick photos, update statuses
occasionally with important news, interact with your clients and customers, and
show the public what your company is all about.
Photo by: Colin ZHU |
2. Start a blog. Sites like
are easy to set up and use. You can even
link your blog back to your Facebook page or your Website. This is a great way to put your company out
there and gain a following. Readers can
respond to your blog and you can show off your company’s personal style.
3. Send out email blasts. Once you have gained even a small following,
sending out a mass email to remind customers about important information can be
very beneficial for your company. But
remember, make sure to only send emails out for important information so people
do not unsubscribe or become tired of receiving emails. This is a less personal communication between
you and your customers, but if used correctly can be effective.
4. Do not over do it, but genuinely interact
with customers. Updating posts
frequently and sending out email blasts often may seem like a good idea, but it
can be too much. In order for people to
not become bored or tired with your company, only special announcements and
information need to be updated. Also, if
you do not update every day with unimportant news, individuals will respect
your posts more and will be more likely to think your posts are worth paying
attention to.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Introduction of Gaming Topic
By: Joe Shlabotnik |
However, with so much worry and emphasis put on the negative effects of video games, sometimes the positive effects go unnoticed. Fortunately, more research is being devoted to determining the positive effects on children, adults, and older people. For example, one article by Art Markman of Psychology Today examines a study that was done to compare extensive video game players and non-players. The study found the video game players were just as accurate at performing object finding tasks as non-players but were much faster in doing so. Another article by Chacha Tumbokon lists many positive and negative effects of video games, but the positive list tends to be much longer. For instance, she discusses that playing video games can help children become better listeners and problem solvers, assists in hand-eye coordination, and can even help develop math and reading skills.
So, with this school of thought that believes video games can have a positive effect on people of all ages, throughout the course of the semester, I plan on blogging about the positive effects of video games, including finding research that either supports or disproves positive effects, focusing on different positive effects, and focusing on the different positive effects for different age groups. As I began to do more research, though, other topics and ideas may present themselves for blogging.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Understanding Comics and Maus
By: MnGyver |
The popular graphic novel "Maus" by Art Spiegelman is the touching story of a Jewish father explaining his horrifying journey through the Holocaust in Europe to his son, who has never had the best relationship with is father. However, as his son ages, he realizes the importance of family and makes an attempt to reconcile any negative feelings with his father by trying to understand his hardships throughout his life.
By: davidsilver |
The textbook "Understanding Comics" by Scott McCloud is an excellent reference for delving into comics on a deeper level to truly understand them as an art form, define them, and examine popular comic techniques. Being a person who has never read many comics, this book is a valuable resource if you are interested in truly understanding any graphic novel.
So, when I began reading "Maus" I found that the first several chapters of "Understanding Comics" is very helpful to help understand some of the styles that were used. One concept that was expressed is the idea that simple images and styles can actually be used to better illustrate more complex, less simple stories (45). This is a very prominent concept in "Maus". For instance, "Maus" tells a very complex and dark story. One man is essentially telling his son, and the whole world, his personal experience during a time that many cannot even begin to imagine. However, the author chooses to illustrate the Jewish characters as mice instead of people. Furthermore, the author illustrates the Nazi characters as cats. From a young age, kids learn that cats hunt and chase mice. Other cartoons, such as "Tom and Jerry" show us that cats have a rivalry with mice and are much bigger animals. In a sense, they can be viewed as bullies. Although the overall concept of "Maus" can be hard to understand or imagine, the concept of a cat and mouse rivalry is easier for most to fathom. Overall, "Maus takes a very simple style to express a very complex idea.
By: Raios de Luz - Gláucia Góes |
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